Best quotes by Maurizio Cattelan on Art

Checkout quotes by Maurizio Cattelan on Art

  • If you are a plumber, there is an objective way to establish whether you put together a great piping system or not. Art is a bit more slippery than that.
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • The best art is on the street.
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • Art should be able to be innovative without compromising itself. That's why I believe artists should have bigger preoccupations than checking the price tags on their work or becoming curators' darlings.
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • Contemporary art will never achieve the audience of football, pop music, or television, so I think we should stop comparing its possible area of influence to that of big mass-media events.
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • Every work of art is a great promise of escape and, therefore, like an open invitation.
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • Art fairs are a lot like professional proms - you make contacts, have a lot to look at, and in some cases, you make friends forever. I think that for artists, they can be a bit controversial: they stimulate curiosity, but at the same time, you're always trying to not have your work hung on a wall.
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • If you are searching to figure out what is true and what is not, you will have a sad life. It means you have too much time, and you should do a hobby - like collecting art.
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • I have become an employee of art.
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • Some do design in order to try to solve others' problems, while others make art in order to give others his problems.
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • Art is about forgetting all these feelings, good and bad, and trying to understand what acts will last longer, which symbols will remain in history. It's a question of perspective: The further you get from the past, the more concrete and plausible it seems.
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • When you place art in the shops, it's a way to make it more accessible.
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • Made in Catteland is a project that aims to overcome the boundaries of the work of art as we're used to thinking of it: exploring new possibilities of reaching the audience through the creation of new forms of art.
    - Maurizio Cattelan