Best quotes by Gregory Benford on Science

Checkout quotes by Gregory Benford on Science

  • As fandom grew more variegated, genzines reflected a broadening of interests, carrying personal columns of humor and reflection, science articles, amateur fiction, stylish gossip, and inevitably, thoughtful pieces on the future of fandom.
    - Gregory Benford
  • Very little useful science got done in the space station. NASA never did the experiments needed to develop the technologies required for a genuine interplanetary expedition: centrifugal gravity to avoid bodily harm and a truly closed biosphere.
    - Gregory Benford
  • Seeing the space future through science fiction can be difficult. Much science fiction of the early era, the 1950s through the '70s, took an expansionist view.
    - Gregory Benford
  • Science fiction writers didn't predict the fade-out of NASA's manned space operations, and they weren't prepared with alternative routes to space when that decline became undeniable.
    - Gregory Benford
  • The earliest depiction of libertarian eugenics may have appeared in a science fiction novel, Robert Heinlein's 1942 tale 'Beyond This Horizon.'
    - Gregory Benford
  • In science fiction, basic doubts featured prominently in the worlds of Philip K. Dick. I knew Phil for 25 years, and he was always getting onto me, a scientist. He was a great fan of quantum uncertainty, epistemology in science, the lot.
    - Gregory Benford
  • As a literature of change driven by technology, science fiction presents religion to a part of the reading public that probably seldom goes to church.
    - Gregory Benford
  • Around 1930, a small new phenomenon arose in Depression-ridden America, spawned out of the letter columns in science fiction magazines: fandom.
    - Gregory Benford
  • A view of nature as dense and nonlinear is at the core of our contemporary science. Process and order emerge subtly.
    - Gregory Benford
  • My feeling is that science is virtually an unexplored ground. It's very visible - more so all the time - but there's no fiction that tells us how scientists think, and they really don't think the way that other people do.
    - Gregory Benford
  • Science would lead you to a more interesting life than something else.
    - Gregory Benford
  • The people who built the space program - both Soviet and U.S. - were readers of science fiction.
    - Gregory Benford