Best quotes by Evan Bayh on Country

Checkout quotes by Evan Bayh on Country

  • Baseball may be our national pastime, but the age-old tradition of taking a swing at Congress is a sport with even deeper historical roots in the American experience. Since the founding of our country, citizens from Ben Franklin to David Letterman have made fun of their elected officials.
    - Evan Bayh
  • We shouldn't have someone working in the Oval Office trying to discredit and smear a private individual who's just speaking their mind about an important issue facing the country. That is not going to move our nation forward.
    - Evan Bayh
  • Across the country military families are facing dire financial circumstances due to longer than expected tours of duties. They are being penalized for their patriotism - no one should have to choose between doing right by their country and doing right by their families.
    - Evan Bayh
  • What we need to do is to come together as a people and solve the problems facing our country. And unfortunately, Washington is just not doing enough of that these days.
    - Evan Bayh
  • The only way Democrats can govern in this country is by making common cause with moderates and independents.
    - Evan Bayh