Best quotes by Flying Lotus on Music

Checkout quotes by Flying Lotus on Music

  • The first beat that I ever made that I thought was actually worth a damn was called 'Toilet Paper Nostrils,' and I made it when I had a cold. I had the worst cold ever. And I had toilet-paper nostrils making music, but it was really reflective of how I felt. It was a really sad trumpet sound.
    - Flying Lotus
  • I'm so thankful that I had music to turn to in the dark times and be able to understand myself through it.
    - Flying Lotus
  • I'm not the kind of person who's always out at the club if I don't have to be. I like chilling. I think that comes across in my music.
    - Flying Lotus
  • Thundercat, specifically, is insane. I'm always surprised at the things he comes up with when we're jamming out together. I gotta try to keep up with him and his ideas, be able to respond without speaking, and come through with some more music. He challenges me to keep it musical and not so computer.
    - Flying Lotus
  • I definitely learned to communicate with other musicians better. I used to feel so intimidated by guys who can read notes, like, 'Oh my God, they're gonna think I'm not even gonna be able to sit at the table.' But I've come to see that a lot of these musicians don't know how to read music either, and that made me feel good.
    - Flying Lotus
  • I actually really liked the music to the 'Friday the 13th' Nintendo game. I still listen to it all the time. I sampled it in a couple records, too. It's hypnotic and dark but also really pretty.
    - Flying Lotus
  • Reading music has opened up me up so much. I've been experimenting for so long and trying to make sense of things just from my ears. It takes forever. Now I can get where I want much quicker.
    - Flying Lotus
  • When I got into music, that was another way to be by myself.
    - Flying Lotus
  • I do think your environment really plays into how you create. I lived in San Francisco for a bit, and I felt like I lived in the Matrix - so my music had that paranoid-of-the-outside sound to it.
    - Flying Lotus
  • People are not able to just make music anymore; we have to do things that don't necessarily make the art any better. But that's just how it is.
    - Flying Lotus
  • The producer role attracts introverts. Making music on your computer is so appealing to someone who just sits in their room all day.
    - Flying Lotus
  • I found so many reasons to call it 'You're Dead!' - not just because I wanted to make this album about the journey through death. I was watching the music scene that I came up with kind of go stale and watching the lights go out on a lot of my friends.
    - Flying Lotus
  • I was first inspired to make music by my cousin Oran. He was making music on an old Mac II by himself in his little lab, and I just started taking up after him. He was the first person to put a machine in front of me to work on. He was like my big brother, someone who I looked up to.
    - Flying Lotus
  • I wish I could write music notation. Even if I couldn't play it, I wish I could just write it.
    - Flying Lotus