Best quotes by E. Joseph Cossman on Business

Checkout quotes by E. Joseph Cossman on Business

  • Our business in life is not to get ahead of others, but to get ahead of ourselves.
    - E. Joseph Cossman
  • I believe the classified section of a newspaper - especially the 'Business Opportunities' column - can tell you more about your city 'business-wise' than any other publication.
    - E. Joseph Cossman
  • Starting in business is like getting married... there is really no good time and no bad time. The time is now.
    - E. Joseph Cossman
  • For products with revision possibilities, there is no better source available than a company going out of business!
    - E. Joseph Cossman
  • When I returned to the United States after three years of World War II service, my total assets consisted of one wife, one small daughter, $276 in the bank, and an idea. The idea was for an export business to supply items badly needed everywhere in Europe.
    - E. Joseph Cossman
  • Making $30,000 on my first business deal was exciting, but not as exciting as the sudden knowledge that I did not have to work for anyone again.
    - E. Joseph Cossman