Best quotes by Benjamin Wittes on Power

Checkout quotes by Benjamin Wittes on Power

  • I don't doubt that there are many presidential acts that would constitute obstructions of justice if anyone but the president engaged in them but which constitute legitimate exercises of presidential power when the president engages in them.
    - Benjamin Wittes
  • The nature of constitutional delegations of power is that they entitle the empowered official to do certain things that other people can't do.
    - Benjamin Wittes
  • If Trump wants to corruptly direct the conduct of an investigation in order to out an FBI source who was helping our government investigate Russian interference in our electoral processes, well, Article II of the Constitution begins with these terrifying words: 'The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.'
    - Benjamin Wittes
  • To get a FISA warrant to spy on a suspected spy, the feds go before a super-secret court located in a sealed room in the Department of Justice. With no defense lawyers present, they need only show probable cause that the target is an 'agent of a foreign power' engaged in intelligence gathering against the United States.
    - Benjamin Wittes
  • You cannot denude the presidency of the substance and power of its office. It can't be done.
    - Benjamin Wittes