Best quotes by Mika Brzezinski on Me

Checkout quotes by Mika Brzezinski on Me

  • My parents found me very difficult to educate.
    - Mika Brzezinski
  • I was terrible at interviews, lost in my own loss of identity and struggling at home as a wife and mother. It was a household that preferred me working, which threw me off completely.
    - Mika Brzezinski
  • For me, having it all doesn't mean having the corner office at work and a penthouse at home if there aren't kids running around as I'm trying to cook my husband something special.
    - Mika Brzezinski
  • I did something a lot of people will have to do in this economy if they want to eventually land their dream job. I turned down an offer to take a high-paying position in another field because it wouldn't fulfill me.
    - Mika Brzezinski
  • Despite my professional experience, the fifteen-hour workdays, and a successful new show that I had helped build, MSNBC was still refusing to pay me what I was worth.
    - Mika Brzezinski
  • Often I feel like I can run forever. If someone told me I had to run for 10 hours, I probably could.
    - Mika Brzezinski
  • Everyday I find myself reminding women around me to know their value. I also have to remind myself.
    - Mika Brzezinski
  • At almost forty years old, I assumed my career on camera was over. And I was certainly given that message by all the TV managers and news directors who passed on me when I was trying to get a job back in the business.
    - Mika Brzezinski