Best quotes by Kevin Parker on People

Checkout quotes by Kevin Parker on People

  • Sometimes you really rely on the audience to have a good time playing live, and sometimes you could have zero people or a thousand, and you'd feel exactly the same.
    - Kevin Parker
  • It's a lot harder to reach people's hearts than it is to reach people's brains.
    - Kevin Parker
  • The inspiration to write a song comes to me when something has happened to me more than once. If it's happened to me more than once, it's probably happened to other people.
    - Kevin Parker
  • I wanted to make something that, from the sound of it, could be down at the club. I just realised that I'd never heard Tame Impala played somewhere with a dance floor or where people were dancing.
    - Kevin Parker
  • The first time someone asked us for an autograph was the moment we realized we were doing something that most people spend their teenage years dreaming about, for sure.
    - Kevin Parker