Best quotes by Asma Jahangir on Women

Checkout quotes by Asma Jahangir on Women

  • Everything is a risk in Pakistan: If you defend women, it's a risk. If you defend non-Muslims it's a risk. If you discuss religion, it's a risk. But you can't really sit there like a vegetable in your own society. And I'm committed to that society... and I feel I need to turn around and speak as I should.
    - Asma Jahangir
  • We have the tendency of over-legislation regarding women.
    - Asma Jahangir
  • To set a trap for a handful of promiscuous individuals, the Zina law has laid a minefield for women in difficult circumstances.
    - Asma Jahangir
  • There used to be very few women in prisons, but this changed with the introduction of the hudood laws.
    - Asma Jahangir
  • The Musharraf government has declared martial law to settle scores with lawyers and judges. Hundreds of innocent Pakistanis have been rounded up. Human rights activists, including women and senior citizens, have been beaten by police. Judges have been arrested and lawyers battered in their offices and the streets.
    - Asma Jahangir
  • As a lawyer, many a time I took up difficult and sensitive cases dealing with minorities' and women's rights. Yes, I constantly receive threats, and to be very honest, at times it is very scary. But I have to continue my work.
    - Asma Jahangir
  • Fortunately, when Benazir Bhutto was prime minister, she banned public whipping of women - banned whipping of women, period, which is a marvelous thing she did.
    - Asma Jahangir
  • Women's rights was thought of as a Western concept. Now people do talk about women's rights - political parties talk about it, even religious parties talk about it.
    - Asma Jahangir