Best quotes by Kat Timpf on Me

Checkout quotes by Kat Timpf on Me

  • Let me be clear: It's not that I'm not a patriot because I want to keep flag-burning legal, it's that I want to keep flag-burning legal because I am a patriot.
    - Kat Timpf
  • If you have ever read my columns, you know how important free speech is to me... and how important it should be to everyone.
    - Kat Timpf
  • The United States is, after all, supposed to be a free country - and it has never made any sense to me that choices about what to put into our own bodies aren't ours and ours alone.
    - Kat Timpf
  • It's true: Whenever I see a government rule that could clearly be used to punish people for doing innocuous things, it is never enough for some government official to just assure me that it won't be used that way. Those assurances, after all, aren't binding; they're lip service.
    - Kat Timpf
  • People actually have the nerve to ask me if I want to go to a haunted house. Why would I want to go to a place where I have to pay my money for creepy strangers to be able to harass me without legal repercussions?
    - Kat Timpf
  • Few things are more important to me than the values that we hold dear in this country, and so I believe that there are few things that could be more important to teach our students in the classroom.
    - Kat Timpf
  • Personally, I chose my own undergraduate institution in large part because the scholarship options made it affordable for me to attend. Make no mistake: The financial feasibility of each school's cost was a major part of making my decision, as it was for almost everyone I knew.
    - Kat Timpf