Best quotes by Jens Lekman on Myself

Checkout quotes by Jens Lekman on Myself

  • 'Postcards' was just a way of slapping myself in the face and saying, 'You can do anything! Just go for it!'
    - Jens Lekman
  • I find it quite hard to connect with the songs where I portray myself as this clumsy, adorable, love-struck man-child.
    - Jens Lekman
  • I was in my early 30s, and I longed for real friendships and real relationships, and I started asking myself why I didn't have that. I had a couple of male friends, but every time I would hang out with them, it felt like there was something keeping us apart.
    - Jens Lekman
  • I have this part in myself that sometimes gets me into situations that can never end well, just because I want to prove to myself that I'm no good.
    - Jens Lekman
  • I wouldn't write about something that I haven't experienced myself.
    - Jens Lekman