Best quotes by Anne Applebaum on American

Checkout quotes by Anne Applebaum on American

  • The behavioral scientist Karen Stenner has written very eloquently about people who have what she calls an authoritarian predisposition, a personality type that is bothered by complexity and is especially enraged by disagreement. Trump has made himself into the spokesperson for precisely these American authoritarians.
    - Anne Applebaum
  • Amazingly, quite a few people, even some American conservatives, are taken in by Russian tactics.
    - Anne Applebaum
  • Trump's first statement as president, his inaugural address, was an unprecedented assault on American democracy and American values.
    - Anne Applebaum
  • If Reagan and John Paul II were linked by anything, it was a grand, ambitious, and generous idea of Western political civilization, one in which a democratic Europe would be integrated by multiple economic, political, and cultural links, and held together beneath an umbrella of American hegemony.
    - Anne Applebaum
  • At different times my children went to Polish, British, and American schools, and they learned about 'the nation' in all of them.
    - Anne Applebaum