Best quotes by Juan Mata on Football

Checkout quotes by Juan Mata on Football

  • One of the first lessons I learned in football is that it takes a team to win a game.
    - Juan Mata
  • You never know what can happen in football and in life.
    - Juan Mata
  • One of the best things if you are a football player is to see the faces of the kids, when they see you and are dreaming of being like you one day. That's a big responsibility, to be a good image for those kids. A football player is more than just a football player.
    - Juan Mata
  • Through Common Goal, we're creating a collaborative way for football to give back to society.
    - Juan Mata
  • The most important and the better feeling in football, for me, is scoring a goal.
    - Juan Mata
  • Football generates a lot of money, but there has to be a social responsibility that goes with that. It can positively affect people's lives.
    - Juan Mata
  • English football is changing: the champions don't play a 'typical' English style, for example. But in general, it's quicker than in Spain: more counter-attacks, more open, more direct.
    - Juan Mata
  • For me, good football is not about how many skills you show or how many players you beat. It's about making the right decision every time you have the ball.
    - Juan Mata
  • I've been lucky to be born in Spain to a good family. But some team-mates reached the same position from a tough background. Football is equal, and it doesn't matter where you come from.
    - Juan Mata
  • Wherever I go, I see kids playing football. Even if there is no grass and it's just sweaters for goals, you see how people love football.
    - Juan Mata
  • For me, football is what I love to do most. It is also the thing I'm better doing than anything else.
    - Juan Mata
  • I think every footballer, after 20 years playing football, the first thing that comes to your mind is to relax.
    - Juan Mata
  • With respect to the world of football, I earn a normal wage. But compared to 99.9% of Spain and the rest of the world, I earn an obscene amount.
    - Juan Mata
  • The business side of football makes it seem as though the owners are now more important than the fans.
    - Juan Mata
  • Football is not about money but emotions.
    - Juan Mata
  • Football sometimes has a bad reputation. Some of that is deserved... and some of it isn't.
    - Juan Mata
  • When I signed for Valencia, it wasn't the best moment of my football career because in the beginning, I was not playing a lot. But I remained calm, and I knew that if I trained well and played as I know, I'm sure I can get a place in the first XI.
    - Juan Mata