Best quotes by Anna Wintour on Fashion

Checkout quotes by Anna Wintour on Fashion

  • Fashion is a reflection of the time.
    - Anna Wintour
  • To me, fashion is ceaselessly fascinating because it is an expression of self.
    - Anna Wintour
  • 'Vogue' is a fashion magazine, and a fashion magazine is about change.
    - Anna Wintour
  • My first job in the States was as a junior fashion editor at 'Harper's Bazaar,' which I enjoyed, but not for all that long because I was fired by the editor in chief, who told me that I was too 'European.'
    - Anna Wintour
  • Fashion today is available to everybody in a way that it's never been before: you've got every designer you've ever heard of working for H& or Target. That's fantastic.
    - Anna Wintour