Best quotes by John Fleming on People

Checkout quotes by John Fleming on People

  • Washington faces many challenges these days, and today's United States Senate needs more trusted conservatives going there to make decisions and choices that put the people first and not the business-as-usual crowd.
    - John Fleming
  • In this country, most people feel that being successful in their business is a virtue, not a vice, and once we begin to identify it as a vice, this country is going down.
    - John Fleming
  • The liberal social experiment with our military continues. A same-sex marriage-like ceremony should not have occurred at Fort Polk, especially since the people of Louisiana have made it abundantly clear that our state does not recognize same-sex marriages or civil unions.
    - John Fleming
  • I'm a public servant. And I work for the American people.
    - John Fleming
  • We know that the crime committed by people with guns by criminals, they get the guns by flouting the law to begin with. They don't go to gun shows.
    - John Fleming
  • People on the Left really want a single-payer system. They really want - so even the Left doesn't want Obamacare. They want single payer, and we want a market-driven, patient-central system.
    - John Fleming
  • If we want to increase revenue, we need more taxpayers. The way to do that is employ more people.
    - John Fleming
  • The polls are with us on this. They say the American people, more than anything, want to see spending cuts rather than tax increases.
    - John Fleming