Best quotes by Andrew Lincoln on Me

Checkout quotes by Andrew Lincoln on Me

  • Changing diapers is one of the most leveling things that has ever happened to me.
    - Andrew Lincoln
  • I wasn't a great student. My brother is 18 months older than me, so he sort of forged the way for me at school.
    - Andrew Lincoln
  • Just to have the opportunity to play an American in America is a dream come true for me.
    - Andrew Lincoln
  • History turns me on. I was terrible at it at in school, but as I get older, I get more and more into it.
    - Andrew Lincoln
  • Robert Kirkman can't bear it when I wear flip-flops. He takes pictures of my flip-flops and keeps sending them to me, like, 'What are you doing? Rick Grimes is not a flip-flop kind of guy.'
    - Andrew Lincoln
  • I dispute the idea that we turn into our parents. These children who have come into my life are unique beings. I don't think I am teaching my children anything, frankly. I think they are teaching me.
    - Andrew Lincoln