Best quotes by Jean Kennedy Smith on Dad

Checkout quotes by Jean Kennedy Smith on Dad

  • Our life did not seem unusual to me at all. Anything that happened that was special, like visits from dignitaries, was always explained as part of Dad's work.
    - Jean Kennedy Smith
  • When I protested because they wouldn't buy me new skates or if someone complained a teacher gave too much homework, Dad would respond: There's no whining in this house. It was his way of saying: there is no place in this house for feeling sorry for yourself.
    - Jean Kennedy Smith
  • To all of us, Dad was Number One in our house.
    - Jean Kennedy Smith
  • Dad encouraged us to get jobs. He'd help us get a job if we knew what we wanted.
    - Jean Kennedy Smith
  • Mother and Dad were destined to have a gaggle of children. We would not have been complete if they had stopped at two or four or even six. Nine of us we had to be.
    - Jean Kennedy Smith