Best quotes by Alton Brown on Food

Checkout quotes by Alton Brown on Food

  • The kitchen's a laboratory, and everything that happens there has to do with science. It's biology, chemistry, physics. Yes, there's history. Yes, there's artistry. Yes, to all of that. But what happened there, what actually happens to the food is all science.
    - Alton Brown
  • The worst food you'll ever eat will probably be prepared by a 'cook' who calls himself a 'chef.' Mark my words.
    - Alton Brown
  • Everything in food is science. The only subjective part is when you eat it.
    - Alton Brown
  • You know most of the food that Americans hold so dear - things like hamburgers and hot dogs - were road food, but even before they were road food, they were peasant food.
    - Alton Brown
  • You don't want flame to hit your food. Flame is bad. Flame does nasty things to food. It makes soot and it makes deposits of various chemicals that are not too good for us. The last thing you really want to see licking at your food while it's on a grill is an actual flame.
    - Alton Brown
  • I kept thinking, 'Somebody has to make a food show that is actually educational and entertaining at the same time... a show that got down to the 'why things happen.' Plus, I hated my job - I didn't think it was very worthwhile.
    - Alton Brown
  • A lot of food shows need only to tempt. Some food shows only need to inspire, to empower. And there are a lot of shows that do that.
    - Alton Brown
  • I say grace. I'm a big believer in grace. I happen to believe in a God that made all the food and so I'm pretty grateful for that and I thank him for that. But I'm also thankful for the people that put the food on the table.
    - Alton Brown
  • I spent a college semester in a small town in Italy - and that is where I truly tasted food for the first time.
    - Alton Brown
  • I think a lot of food shows, especially when we started 'Good Eats' back in the late '90s, they were still really about food. 'Good Eats' isn't about food, it's about entertainment. If, however, we can virally infect you with knowledge or interest, then all the better.
    - Alton Brown
  • I'm a filmmaker who decided to go to culinary school. All I picked up was the fact if I didn't understand what was going on with every single ingredient, I could be qualifying for, like, the lunch food job at my daughter's school.
    - Alton Brown
  • I am a filmmaker. That is all I've ever been. You know, Martin Scorsese makes films about the mob. And I make movies about food.
    - Alton Brown