Best quotes by Juliette Lewis on Time

Checkout quotes by Juliette Lewis on Time

  • I've never been like Angelina Jolie, who at one time was spewing out this prototype Bad Girl stuff for people to consume. I've never boxed myself in that way. People can create boxes for me by all means, but it doesn't mean I'm going to step inside them.
    - Juliette Lewis
  • I didn't like school at all. I never liked the seven different classes system. I liked having just one, like in elementary school - less disruption. I liked history. I failed math and science and gave those teachers a hard time.
    - Juliette Lewis
  • I was scared by social media - just scared of what I might attract. Once I broke onto that thing, because I needed it for my band to tell people about shows, I realized, 99 percent of the time, people are funny, clever, inventive, beautiful.
    - Juliette Lewis
  • The mainstream media is funded by pharmaceutical companies, so when you have the biggest movie star in the world at the time - Tom Cruise - coming out against anti-depressants and Ritalin... they still brutalize him.
    - Juliette Lewis
  • I've been around for a long time now, and you start to hear these urban legends about yourself.
    - Juliette Lewis
  • I think in my late 20s, I was starting to enter that realm of complacency, which is the most terrifying place I can imagine as an artist. I felt time creeping up on me.
    - Juliette Lewis