Best quotes by Brit Morin on Women

Checkout quotes by Brit Morin on Women

  • Women today are wanting to work in the workforce but also come home and learn to bake cupcakes, to do calligraphy, to knit a blanket for their baby, to 3-D print something.
    - Brit Morin
  • I made physical objects because I know how to do something on the computer. That struck a chord with me: Most women of my generation have grown up with technology but lack the handmade creative skills of former generations. This is a big opportunity to fill that gap.
    - Brit Morin
  • Brit + Co tries to help women understand that they are creative and give them all sorts of opportunities to try their hand at something creative. We want it to be as easy as possible to start. If that means you uploading a pattern to Spoon flower and make wallpaper, that's great. You made it!
    - Brit Morin
  • Yeah, the majority of Brit+Co users are women, but DIY? You see kids DIY, adult men geeking out hardcore with anything related to woodworking and all these cool new technologies, metalwork, leatherworking, concrete making. Everyone has a passion. I truly believe it's in our DNA literally to build things.
    - Brit Morin
  • Society is still adapting to women being CEOs and professionals rather than homemakers. Because of this, the unfortunate outcome is that we feel we have to be successful at both - in the office and in the home. Striking that balance is different for everyone.
    - Brit Morin
  • While it's true that women are the minority in most tech companies, I don't think that inhibits entry into the tech space. My motto has always been, 'Live What You Love,' and as such, I think it's incredibly important to do work you believe in and to work for a company that has values that align with your own, be it in tech or another industry.
    - Brit Morin