Best quotes by Rand Paul on Government

Checkout quotes by Rand Paul on Government

  • I don't care if you're a Republican or a Democrat, there is something profoundly un-American about using the brute force of government to bully someone.
    - Rand Paul
  • You can't have it both ways. You can't tell me that you're taxed enough already, and that you want constitutional government and then in the next breath say, 'Bring me home some bacon.' The pig has been picked clean.
    - Rand Paul
  • The government has a history of not treating people fairly, from the internment of Japanese Americans in World War II to African-Americans in the Civil Rights era.
    - Rand Paul
  • I, for one, will remain constantly vigilant of a government that admits its transgressions of liberty only when they are caught lying.
    - Rand Paul
  • The realization is dawning that government doesn't work. In Silicon Valley, they already get this. And they are bright enough to be asking what we can do to solve problems.
    - Rand Paul
  • For too long, we've attached some mythic notion to government solutions, and yet, 40 years after we began the War on Poverty, poverty still abounds.
    - Rand Paul
  • We don't need bigger government. We need to shrink the size of government.
    - Rand Paul