Best quotes by Alexi Zentner on Me

Checkout quotes by Alexi Zentner on Me

  • My children have stolen my dreams in a very literal sense. I've lost months in the minutes and hours that Sabine and Zoey have needed me at night, their thin, butterfly-beating hearts pushed against me in the darkness.
    - Alexi Zentner
  • If I think of a reader while I am writing, the only reader who really matters for me is my wife. It's most important to me that she likes what I write.
    - Alexi Zentner
  • As much as I love my daughters, I wasn't happy with only being a stay-at-home-dad, and my wife encouraged me to try, to really try, at being a writer. More than anything, I didn't want to let her down.
    - Alexi Zentner
  • My daughters are both funny and smart and lots of fun. They play lacrosse, soccer, musical instruments, like to cook with me, and are naturals in the swimming pool. Honestly, though, what I like doing most with them is eating. I've worked really hard to make sure they are willing to try all sorts of different foods.
    - Alexi Zentner
  • I liked Shakespeare in high school, but in university I spent a semester studying in London, and it was sort of in the middle of me falling deeply in love with literature, and I took a Shakespeare course with a professor who couldn't imagine anything more important than Shakespeare.
    - Alexi Zentner