Best quotes by Rivers Cuomo on Love

Checkout quotes by Rivers Cuomo on Love

  • I can't imagine Weezer stopping. We just love doing what we're doing, and I think we'll keep going until we fall down dead. Even if the audience is abandoning us, I can't imagine doing anything else!
    - Rivers Cuomo
  • I do want to make music that people love, but I also want to make music that I love. I know I can't please everyone with anything I do, so I don't think too much about how other people are going to take things.
    - Rivers Cuomo
  • In some ways, I feel like I was Nirvana's biggest fan in the Nineties. I'm sure there are a zillion people who would make that claim, but I was just so passionately in love with the music that it made me feel sick. It made my heart hurt.
    - Rivers Cuomo
  • I meditate two hours a day, and every year I do one big long meditation course. I love it, and I'm really into it.
    - Rivers Cuomo
  • I love writing songs. One of the toughest things is structure; it just works when you use verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge. And as soon as you become aware of that formula, you start to have a bad conscience when you write with that particular structure.
    - Rivers Cuomo