Best quotes by Madlib on Me

Checkout quotes by Madlib on Me

  • People only know me for what they've heard, but that only represents about 10 percent of what I've done.
    - Madlib
  • There were a certain amount of people that were down with me, and we would just sit in the room and make music.
    - Madlib
  • I'm a hermit, people rarely see me.
    - Madlib
  • My pops had me at the studio since I was born. That's why I got into music. He would let me go up on the controls and mess with stuff.
    - Madlib
  • I'll take two months off just to listen to records and not do any music so I can absorb all that and then when I go do my music. It's all in me. I'll listen to a different genre every two days or something, study it, 24 hours straight.
    - Madlib
  • I search for records that I've found on YouTube. If I can't get the record it doesn't matter to me, I'll bump the YouTube rip.
    - Madlib
  • My family brainwashed me, like I'm brainwashing my children. They brainwashed me with good taste.
    - Madlib
  • My whole thing is that I make music regardless. Regardless of everything around me, I'll always make music.
    - Madlib