Best quotes by J. R. Martinez on Me

Checkout quotes by J. R. Martinez on Me

  • There are a lot of people who can be classified as heroes and do great things and inspire me.
    - J. R. Martinez
  • My mother has done so much for me in my life and has continuously been there and been my rock.
    - J. R. Martinez
  • I want to continue to be me and share with people.
    - J. R. Martinez
  • Running for me is a sport. It's not a joke. It's serious.
    - J. R. Martinez
  • The thing is, a lot of our vets come home and they feel displaced, and they don't feel like their voice matters, so for me to be a spokesman and have that honor to educate America about who we are and what we are, it's like I'm doing my job.
    - J. R. Martinez
  • It's hard for people sometimes to relate to me. They weren't in the military, they weren't injured overseas in Iraq, they weren't burned, they didn't go through 33 surgeries, or two and a half years in the hospital.
    - J. R. Martinez
  • Obviously, I don't like to use my new celebrity status as a way to get first class service at a restaurant. For me, it's just more special to use it for good.
    - J. R. Martinez