Best quotes by Alex Honnold on Time

Checkout quotes by Alex Honnold on Time

  • The simple facts of Chadian life - what it takes to survive in that kind of climate with nothing but a hut and some animals - stunned me. And this made me realize, perhaps for the first time, how easy my life was compared to those of people in less privileged societies.
    - Alex Honnold
  • The diet for climbing all the time isn't really different from the diet for living. It's not like cardio sports where you're burning a bajillion calories every day.
    - Alex Honnold
  • In a general sense, I think it's bad to bring too much money into climbing, since it takes away a little from the beauty of the mountains. But at the same time, I can't blame the Nepali government - or the Indian, Pakistani or Chinese, depending on where you're climbing - from wanting to capitalize on foreign climbers.
    - Alex Honnold
  • Climbing is definitely very much strength-to-weight ratio. At the same time, I've never dieted or restricted calories. You're just sort of mindful about not getting plump.
    - Alex Honnold
  • Filming typically takes a bit away from the climbing experience, since you have to stop all the time and shoot.
    - Alex Honnold