Best quotes by Charlotte Rampling on Me

Checkout quotes by Charlotte Rampling on Me

  • My style very much leans towards the masculine, but I think I am feminine in it - I like the feminine body in masculine shapes. The androgynous look suits me.
    - Charlotte Rampling
  • European films were what it was about for me - the sensations I needed, the depth, the storytelling, the characters, the directors, and the freedom that you can't really find in American films.
    - Charlotte Rampling
  • I remember my father saying to me once, 'I finally know how to describe you, Charlotte. You're prickly.' And he was right - prickly is a very good description. If I had to be an animal, I'd probably be a porcupine.
    - Charlotte Rampling
  • I am actually a very unspeaking person. I'm not really good in social situations. People expect me to be more outgoing. I don't know why. They think I have this kind of assurance.
    - Charlotte Rampling
  • I don't want to play everything. So I'll seek out roles that I'll say, 'This is edgy. This is fun. This is wicked. This suits me.'
    - Charlotte Rampling
  • When I see a young girl, I can see why you would be attracted if you were a man. I remember when it was like that for me, too, and it was nice.
    - Charlotte Rampling
  • If you were to find all the people I've worked with and ask them what they think of me, they're all just going to say, 'Oh, wonderful', and it'll just be a lot of blah.
    - Charlotte Rampling