Best quotes by John James Audubon on Nature

Checkout quotes by John James Audubon on Nature

  • During all these years there existed within me a tendency to follow Nature in her walks.
    - John James Audubon
  • The Fur Company may be called the exterminating medium of these wild and almost uninhabitable regions, which cupidity or the love of money alone would induce man to venture into. Where can I now go and find nature undisturbed?
    - John James Audubon
  • As I grew up I was fervently desirous of becoming acquainted with Nature.
    - John James Audubon
  • Patiently and with industry did I apply myself to study, for although I felt the impossibility of giving life to my productions, I did not abandon the idea of representing nature.
    - John James Audubon
  • I looked long and carefully at the picture of a stag painted by Landseer - the style was good, and the brush was handled with fine effect; but he fails in copying Nature, without which the best work will be a failure.
    - John James Audubon
  • The eggers destroy all the eggs that are sat upon, to force the birds to lay fresh eggs, and by robbing them regularly compel them to lay until nature is exhausted, and so but few young ones are raised.
    - John James Audubon