Best quotes by Michael Rooker on Work

Checkout quotes by Michael Rooker on Work

  • I got my training here in Chicago at the Goodman School Of Drama, and a lot of my personal work is usually internal work and stuff. Everything else that goes on is icing on the cake - your wardrobe, your makeup, whatever else you have to do.
    - Michael Rooker
  • I learned how to turn it on and turn it off. You learn that in theater, too, but for film work, I learned from doing 'Henry,' I learned how to leave work at work and go home. There's always spillover. Actors speak of this.
    - Michael Rooker
  • You know how it is, somebody will see your work and like it and remember it, then decide to make it a role in their film.
    - Michael Rooker
  • Actors are actors. They're all buddies. I've done so many movies and TV that you get to be friends with everyone. And the ones you don't get to be friends with, you simply don't work together with them again.
    - Michael Rooker
  • I did 'Slither,' so I've done seven hours in the makeup chair. So two hours for zombie makeup is like nothing. That's a walk in the park for me. When you do seven-hour makeup and then eight hours of work, you're thinking, 'Oh God, what did this do to me?' You're under that rubber forever. It's crazy.
    - Michael Rooker
  • I've been in this business a long time, and I've worked with a lot of different directors now. It's cool to get the chance to work with the same guy several times.
    - Michael Rooker