Best quotes by Dominique Crenn on Food

Checkout quotes by Dominique Crenn on Food

  • When I came to America, I saw the inequality right away with the food industry. And I don't really talk about it in the book, but the racism here, it's so predominant and so impregnated in the history of America.
    - Dominique Crenn
  • My food is about texture and technique.
    - Dominique Crenn
  • I feel that when you connect something that you do, especially serving food, and connect that together with words - I think it's very important.
    - Dominique Crenn
  • Well, I don't think I'm a chef. I'm just someone that... I found a way of speaking. It was not a pen. It was not a brush. It was food.
    - Dominique Crenn
  • It's funny: not too many people used to think that Brittany was a culinary treasure, but there's such amazing stuff. Beef and pork, of course, but the seafood! The food there is kind of wonderful.
    - Dominique Crenn
  • I usually like simple food when I'm at home.
    - Dominique Crenn
  • Everyone should watch 'Supersize Me' to realize how much our physical health is connected to the food we eat.
    - Dominique Crenn
  • If you are a chef, you have an incredible responsibility in this world. Don't just open a restaurant to serve food. Include the community, and make sure that you are not taking advantage of what the planet has given us.
    - Dominique Crenn
  • What the food industry should be talking about? Climate change. It should be talking about the industrialization of food. It should be talking about how are we gonna feed the kids at school.
    - Dominique Crenn
  • As a chef, I've always been very conscious and very thoughtful about the way that I buy food or have my farmers produce it.
    - Dominique Crenn