Best quotes by Zephyr Teachout on Power

Checkout quotes by Zephyr Teachout on Power

  • We fought a revolution to free ourselves from arbitrary power and the whims of a monarch.
    - Zephyr Teachout
  • A lot of organizations have pointed out that under public financing systems, you see a lot more candidates of color and a lot more women. But you also see the power base behind these candidates is more representative and far less exclusively wealthy.
    - Zephyr Teachout
  • I'm going to Congress to break down the doors of power.
    - Zephyr Teachout
  • We, as lawyers, must point out that unrestrained power is almost always abusive.
    - Zephyr Teachout
  • New York state's Donnelly Act gives power at least as great - many think greater - than that of the Sherman Act. We have strong consumer protection laws that can be used to protect against scams and frauds by corporate monopolists.
    - Zephyr Teachout
  • When elections are not democratic, even the most populist discussions become superficial, disconnected from real power; they are theatre.
    - Zephyr Teachout
  • And my whole life I've been focused on questions of anti-corruption laws, on constitutional law, and it's essential that the power of this office be maximized to stop corruption at the national level.
    - Zephyr Teachout