Best quotes by Ian Frazier on Humor

Checkout quotes by Ian Frazier on Humor

  • With reporting, if you work hard, you can usually pull something out. But writing humor doesn't respond to working hard, necessarily. I mean, you could just sit there and look at the page all day and maybe something will come.
    - Ian Frazier
  • I don't have a disregard for my reader in humor pieces.
    - Ian Frazier
  • Russian humor is to adapt or make some sense or nonsense out of the insanity of their lives.
    - Ian Frazier
  • People in Russia adapt to misery by a deep, deep humor.
    - Ian Frazier
  • I think what is important for things to be funny is if you the listener, or the reader, get a chance to supply the humor of it yourself.
    - Ian Frazier
  • Writing humor for me is more like a watchful-ness. You have to watch. When you say something funny, or someone else does, it's more like you wait for the piece.
    - Ian Frazier