Best quotes by Willian on Game

Checkout quotes by Willian on Game

  • I've always been following Chelsea and every time I came to London I would try to see a Chelsea game and see how the team was doing because it's been my dream to come to play here.
    - Willian
  • Both sides of the game, defensively and offensively, are important.
    - Willian
  • Of course I want to play every game, but only 11 can start.
    - Willian
  • It doesn't matter what the game is or against who, it is good to play at home.
    - Willian
  • I wouldn't have any fears about coming to England because I have played against English sides in the Champions League and studied the English game.
    - Willian
  • Every game we have to seek to play better if we want to achieve results.
    - Willian