Best quotes by Charlie Hunter on Music

Checkout quotes by Charlie Hunter on Music

  • That's the exact concept behind the music: to take that kind of, I guess whatever you want to call it, jazz sensibility - but not have it be about solos.
    - Charlie Hunter
  • I mean, in the course of an evening, people will take a solo here and there, but generally it's all about the rhythm of that music. Dealing with the rhythm with everything. That's essentially at least my concept of what that group is.
    - Charlie Hunter
  • The market didn't define the music; the music defined the market.
    - Charlie Hunter
  • Ultimately, at the end of it, it's just trying to get into that space where you feel like you're hitting the right thing and you're making music. And it feels intuitive rather than being counterintuitive.
    - Charlie Hunter
  • I certainly hope my music is in no way, shape or form influenced by anything that would be known as a jam band. If it is, then I'm going to do something else.
    - Charlie Hunter
  • I never do anything to strictly satisfy a fickle, ever-changing commercial world. I do the music I like to play. It's the only way I feel comfortable existing in the industry.
    - Charlie Hunter