Best quotes by Sergio Ermotti on Business

Checkout quotes by Sergio Ermotti on Business

  • While government clearly plays the major role in fighting poverty through policies on things such as education, tax, and trade, business creates the wealth that matters.
    - Sergio Ermotti
  • Businesses are among the first to see changes in the labor market, but few countries have the necessary close relationship between business and educators to ensure this information reaches the education system.
    - Sergio Ermotti
  • Philanthropic funding can play a vital role in testing and stimulating innovation that, when proven, can be implemented at scale by business or government.
    - Sergio Ermotti
  • Impact investment is an important business driver, and more importantly, it is a business driver because clients want it.
    - Sergio Ermotti
  • In 1987, Merrill Lynch asked me to open a Swiss capital markets operation. I was 27. In hindsight, I was lucky enough to start a business from scratch. And I mean from zero - no offices, even, just a space with walls between different areas. We decided to tear down the walls.
    - Sergio Ermotti
  • We have to have a business model that can be a sustainable and acceptable one to both regulators and the other stakeholders, clients, and investors.
    - Sergio Ermotti