Best quotes by William H. Seward on Constitution

Checkout quotes by William H. Seward on Constitution

  • But there is a higher law than the Constitution, which regulates our authority over the domain, and devotes it to the same noble purposes.
    - William H. Seward
  • But the Constitution was made not only for southern and northern states, but for states neither northern nor southern, namely, the western states, their coming in being foreseen and provided for.
    - William H. Seward
  • If slavery, limited as it yet is, now threatens to subvert the Constitution, how can we as wise and prudent statesmen, enlarge its boundaries and increase its influence, and thus increase already impending dangers?
    - William H. Seward
  • There is a higher law than the Constitution.
    - William H. Seward
  • But I deny that the Constitution recognizes property in man.
    - William H. Seward
  • But you answer, that the Constitution recognizes property in slaves. It would be sufficient, then, to reply, that this constitutional recognition must be void, because it is repugnant to the law of nature and of nations.
    - William H. Seward
  • I submit, on the other hand, most respectfully, that the Constitution not merely does not affirm that principle, but, on the contrary, altogether excludes it.
    - William H. Seward
  • Simultaneously with the establishment of the Constitution, Virginia ceded to the United States her domain, which then extended to the Mississippi, and was even claimed to extend to the Pacific Ocean.
    - William H. Seward