Best quotes by Thomas Kail on People

Checkout quotes by Thomas Kail on People

  • My job is the same if I'm making a new musical or making a play for sixty-five people or doing a live television broadcast. The job is to take care of the actor; the job is to create an environment where they can excel and try to access all their attributes.
    - Thomas Kail
  • I want to make 'Broadway' a word that doesn't have pejorative connotation. I don't want 'musical theater' to be a dismissive term. I want it to be something that people can be proud of, that people can say, 'Look at the possibilities.'
    - Thomas Kail
  • Fundamentally, what you're trying to do when you're directing is get a group of people who most likely have never met, unify them, and make sure that we're all clear on what we're marching towards.
    - Thomas Kail
  • Fundamentally, one of the things I tend to migrate toward when I'm working is a story about people whose stories aren't told in theater.
    - Thomas Kail
  • When you're driving into D.C. as a young kid and you go over the Key Bridge and see the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, and Capitol Building, they become a part of the landscape for you. You are also constantly in contact with this idea that history, and the people that made it, are being remembered.
    - Thomas Kail