Best quotes by William Clay Ford, Jr. on Me

Checkout quotes by William Clay Ford, Jr. on Me

  • Nobody's irreplaceable, including me. I think for too long we've had a cult of personality in this company and in this industry, and frankly, I'd like to see that diminish.
    - William Clay Ford, Jr.
  • One of the things I've had the advantage of, growing up and being close to the top management of this company and other companies for most of my life, is seeing how CEOs start to believe in their own infallibility. And that really scares me.
    - William Clay Ford, Jr.
  • I walked in and inherited a management group that I didn't know very well. They didn't know me, and we had a very short window to put together a credible recovery plan.
    - William Clay Ford, Jr.
  • Whenever I'm at a party, people are always telling me either to get a new quarterback or make the Taurus back seat bigger.
    - William Clay Ford, Jr.
  • My father didn't push me.
    - William Clay Ford, Jr.