Best quotes by Nathan Lane on Knowledge

Checkout quotes by Nathan Lane on Knowledge

  • I didn't know Charlie before doing the movie, but I was a huge fan of the British Queer as Folk.
    - Nathan Lane
  • He's so interesting because you think you know Dennis Hopper, but you don't really know Dennis Hopper. I don't really know Dennis Hopper, I just know him from the silver screen.
    - Nathan Lane
  • I don't know what goes on in their heads out in Hollywood.
    - Nathan Lane
  • Not to sound too pessimistic, but I just don't see me having the film career that I maybe hoped for after 'The Birdcage.' I think people just didn't know what to do with me.
    - Nathan Lane
  • A video taped stage performance is just - you know, it's never gonna be the same as it is if you're sitting there live in the theatre.
    - Nathan Lane