Best quotes by Willem Dafoe on Movies

Checkout quotes by Willem Dafoe on Movies

  • I'm not attracted to naturalism, I'm not attracted to behavior, I'm attracted to dance. I'm attracted to gesture, I'm attracted to singing with your voice, as opposed to having a natural manner. I'm a theater actor first, so that probably influences a lot of my approach. And I think in many ways, naturalism has ruined movies.
    - Willem Dafoe
  • I love doing action and stuff; the problem is usually action movies are not that interesting. Also as I get older I feel like there's less opportunities for me.
    - Willem Dafoe
  • Plenty of bad movies are very successful, and plenty of good movies are not. And distribution is so crazy, some films won't even get their day in court.
    - Willem Dafoe
  • I do want to be in mainstream movies that are going to be seen. I suppose it satisfies the showbiz side of me.
    - Willem Dafoe
  • The Midwest isn't somewhere you mix with those from the performing arts. But my mum and dad would go off to Chicago every so often to see shows. They would bring back the albums and the movies, those little eight metres, and we would all watch. I think that was when I fell in love with acting.
    - Willem Dafoe