Best quotes by Nobu Matsuhisa on Day

Checkout quotes by Nobu Matsuhisa on Day

  • Every year, I do a New Year's day party at my home. I invite my staff and my friends and their kids. Around 40-50 people come by, and I do a barbecue and salads, steak and sushi, and also lots of cheese.
    - Nobu Matsuhisa
  • One evening, Mike Myers and Steven Spielberg were discussing 'Goldmember,' and I just happened to joke, 'If you need a Japanese character, let me know!' The next day, they called me for audition! I find it's always helpful to maintain a sense of humour.
    - Nobu Matsuhisa
  • One day, the people who work in my kitchen stir-fried chopped Napa cabbage to serve with some meat or fish for their own dinner. I got to thinking: 'What if the cabbage was the most important thing on the plate?'
    - Nobu Matsuhisa
  • It's not unusual for me to wake up in the middle of the night and not know where I am. I take sleep medication to deal with all the flights. But I find it helps to eat at the same time every day.
    - Nobu Matsuhisa
  • In the morning and the end of every day, I thank that I'm alive.
    - Nobu Matsuhisa