Best quotes by Werner Heisenberg on Science

Checkout quotes by Werner Heisenberg on Science

  • Natural science, does not simply describe and explain nature; it is part of the interplay between nature and ourselves.
    - Werner Heisenberg
  • It is generally believed that our science is empirical and that we draw our concepts and our mathematical constructs from the empirical data. If this were the whole truth, we should, when entering into a new field, introduce only such quantities as can directly be observed, and formulate natural laws only by means of these quantities.
    - Werner Heisenberg
  • One may say that in a state of science where fundamental concepts have to be changed, tradition is both the condition for progress and a hindrance. Hence, it usually takes a long time before the new concepts are generally accepted.
    - Werner Heisenberg
  • The single life is bearable to me only through my work in science, but for the long term, it would be very bad if I had to make do without a very young person next to me.
    - Werner Heisenberg
  • The violent reaction on the recent development of modern physics can only be understood when one realises that here the foundations of physics have started moving; and that this motion has caused the feeling that the ground would be cut from science.
    - Werner Heisenberg
  • Although the theory of relativity makes the greatest of demands on the ability for abstract thought, still it fulfills the traditional requirements of science insofar as it permits a division of the world into subject and object (observer and observed) and, hence, a clear formulation of the law of causality.
    - Werner Heisenberg