Best quotes by Wendy Long on New

Checkout quotes by Wendy Long on New

  • Serious people need to work hard to reduce the debt, reduce taxes, and slash regulation on the small businesses and families that are the lifeblood of new jobs and innovation in our state.
    - Wendy Long
  • I have been in private law practice in New York City, where my husband and I are raising our children.
    - Wendy Long
  • The thing is that Chuck Schumer, for all his power and influence, is a pretty pathetic figure. You go around New York State, and people make jokes about him and talk about how he shows up at the New York State Fair and has a staffer carrying a big sign saying 'Come meet Chuck Schumer.'
    - Wendy Long
  • Whether it's federal highway funds for the Thruway or Tappan Zee bridge project or the corrupt Cornhusker deal, Senator Gillibrand is willing to sell out our hardworking families. She has failed to address the problem that taxpayers in New York send much more to Washington that we get back.
    - Wendy Long
  • As New York's United States Senator, I promise to reinstate the Moynihan 'Fisc Report' and work every day to address the imbalance of payments, first by focusing on reducing the amount of taxes we send to Washington, and second, by ensuring that funding formulas don't disadvantage New York.
    - Wendy Long
  • New York City is the financial capital of the world. The Dodd-Frank Act, I think, is going to change that. It's going to send jobs to London and Geneva and Hong Kong and Sydney instead of keeping New York the financial center of the world.
    - Wendy Long
  • With so many serious issues and responsibilities before the United States Senate, I think New York needs an independent senator who thinks for herself, not someone who just rubberstamps the Obama agenda or checks with Chuck Schumer and says, 'Me too.'
    - Wendy Long
  • New York voters agree on this: There is too much corruption in government - federal, state, and local.
    - Wendy Long