Best quotes by Wendy Long on Government

Checkout quotes by Wendy Long on Government

  • Our government is corrupt.
    - Wendy Long
  • They're lots of good Americans here in New York who have common sense and who believe in free markets and free people and limited government under our Constitution. Those are the principles I've always stood for. I know they're right, and that's what I'm going to stand for.
    - Wendy Long
  • I am the candidate of tax cuts, repealing Obamacare, repealing Dodd-Frank, letting the markets work, coming up with patient-and-doctor-centered healthcare solutions instead of more big government - and just generally getting government off the backs of small businesses.
    - Wendy Long
  • We are in desperate need of a return to limited, constitutional government.
    - Wendy Long
  • New York voters agree on this: There is too much corruption in government - federal, state, and local.
    - Wendy Long
  • Government has crowded out the role of many social institutions, including the Church, that have been a great force for good in public life.
    - Wendy Long