Best quotes by Bill Mumy on Space

Checkout quotes by Bill Mumy on Space

  • I started playing the guitar when we started filming the pilot to 'Lost in Space,' which was way back in December of 1964, and there's a little bit in the pilot that was used in the first season where Will Robinson is sitting around some bad foam rubber rock playing and singing 'Greensleeves.'
    - Bill Mumy
  • I think 'Lost in Space' certainly shifted from being an ensemble adventure series about a family facing the unknown alien environment to this trio of comedians - Dr. Smith, the Robot, and Will Robinson being the straight guy. It definitely changed its tone over the three seasons and 84 episodes we did.
    - Bill Mumy
  • I had my guitar at the set of 'Lost in Space' every day. I was the only one in the cast who had a stereo in his dressing room. So while I was in school or when I was in there working with Dr. Smith and the robot, half the rest of the cast was in my trailer listening to their records that they would bring.
    - Bill Mumy
  • From the age of four, I was a huge comic fan and still am. When Lost in Space came along it was like being in a huge comic so we jumped at the chance of being part of that project and it proved to be a good choice.
    - Bill Mumy
  • Well, I've been a big fan of comic books since I was a little kid. In fact, I used to write and draw my own comic books when I was on the old Lost in Space series.
    - Bill Mumy
  • And of course, I absolutely loved making Lost in Space as a kid.
    - Bill Mumy