Best quotes by Nicholas Hoult on Time

Checkout quotes by Nicholas Hoult on Time

  • By the time I was 14, I was about six foot. I remember going into auditions, and they'd look at how tall I was and say, 'Well, you're taller than the lead actor, so there's no way we can cast you.'
    - Nicholas Hoult
  • I'm not one of those people who sits around knowing all bands and going to gigs all the time.
    - Nicholas Hoult
  • I try not to be too optimistic or pessimistic. If you're a pessimist then that's depressing all the time; if you're an optimist and things don't work out then that's depressing, too.
    - Nicholas Hoult
  • As you're growing up, it's odd, because directors don't expect you to grow up. They think you'll be young forever, but as an actor, there is an awkward period when you're too young for old or too old for young, and it can be an odd time.
    - Nicholas Hoult
  • I remember doing my SATs on a film set; you had to complete the tests in a certain time and, obviously, you couldn't be interrupted. I think I did pretty well; it wasn't too difficult.
    - Nicholas Hoult