Best quotes by Warwick Davis on Character

Checkout quotes by Warwick Davis on Character

  • To me that's part of my working day, and I would never refuse a job where I'm under several hours of makeup, because as an actor, I enjoy performing. It's about the creation of the character and the art to me, not about being comfortable and how long it all takes.
    - Warwick Davis
  • When I came up with the character of Wicket for 'Return Of The Jedi', which was my first film, I was a kid of 11 years old, and I basically was playing a very young Ewok.
    - Warwick Davis
  • I wouldn't say one is easier or more difficult, but when you're inside a costume and a mask, you have to endure heat - and, often, difficulty seeing. The vision is not very good in a mask. And you have to cope with that, as well as trying to think about this character.
    - Warwick Davis
  • But things such as 'Harry Potter', all I can do is shape my character, seek the director's approval on that, and basically take it from there. Professor Flitwick in 'Harry Potter', I kind of defined how I saw him from reading the book, and luckily that matched up with the director's vision.
    - Warwick Davis
  • If you stood me in a costume next to a computer graphic of the same-looking character, I think there would be a difference. And many movie fans I've spoken to would rather see an actor in a costume than CG.
    - Warwick Davis
  • When you do films that have multiple sequels, you develop a character for a film.
    - Warwick Davis