Best quotes by Xavier Dolan on Movies

Checkout quotes by Xavier Dolan on Movies

  • I hadn't watched any Hitchcock movies when I made 'Tom at the Farm,' except for 'Vertigo' when I was 8 years old. I don't have a sophisticated film knowledge, but I have seen the legacy of classic movies in broader entertainment.
    - Xavier Dolan
  • I don't personally do movies for myself and a faction of very cerebral cinephiles - I do it for everybody and wish for the largest amount of people to relish whatever they find they can relish in.
    - Xavier Dolan
  • I was a very violent kid. I think movies and writing and art have been a way of channeling this.
    - Xavier Dolan
  • No one knows me in the States because the movies have been released in such an awkward, irregular fashion, all by different distributors. There is no continuity.
    - Xavier Dolan
  • I design all of the costumes for my movies, actually.
    - Xavier Dolan
  • The scene of independent cinema is already a large scene in America, and not in a negative way, but it's cluttered. It's very populated with just American films, so the room left for foreign movies is not extremely vast. The American public also does not really read. They don't read subtitles. But we're like that in Canada, too.
    - Xavier Dolan
  • The motivation for making movies is that people actually see them.
    - Xavier Dolan