Best quotes by Tedros Adhanom on World

Checkout quotes by Tedros Adhanom on World

  • We live in a world at constant risk of public health emergencies. In our increasingly interconnected world, public health emergencies can affect anyone, anywhere.
    - Tedros Adhanom
  • I envision a world where everyone can lead healthy and productive lives, regardless of who they are or where they live.
    - Tedros Adhanom
  • During World Immunization Week, we must celebrate our shared results and redouble our efforts to improve the health and lives of people everywhere.
    - Tedros Adhanom
  • New malaria cases fell by 21 percent between 2010 and 2015 worldwide, and malaria death rates fell by 29 percent in the same period. Yet, though malaria is preventable and treatable, it is still claiming too many lives around the world.
    - Tedros Adhanom
  • I truly believe that, together, we can create a healthier world.
    - Tedros Adhanom
  • Universal health coverage is an ambitious goal, but it is one that can create a healthier and more equitable world for all people. It means a child reaches adulthood, and adults lead healthier lives regardless of who they are and where they live.
    - Tedros Adhanom
  • Early in my career, I was galvanized by a disease that ravaged my country and many others around the world: malaria.
    - Tedros Adhanom
  • Like other conflict-affected regions, Africa continues to see religious, ethnic, and politically motivated conflicts. Extremist violence is now entrenched in several parts of the world. Armed conflicts are leading to protracted refugee crises to the scale that has not been seen since World War II.
    - Tedros Adhanom
  • The importance of Africa's development to the entire world should be self-evident. And yet, despite the high stakes, Europe - and the international community more broadly - have not devoted the attention and resources that the issue merits.
    - Tedros Adhanom