Best quotes by Warren Beatty on Movies

Checkout quotes by Warren Beatty on Movies

  • I don't want to be mushy about it, but having four kids is definitely the best thing that has ever happened to me, and each kid is, to me, more fascinating than any five movies.
    - Warren Beatty
  • Movies are fun, but they're not a cure for cancer.
    - Warren Beatty
  • When you mutilate movies for mass media, you tamper with the hearts and minds of America.
    - Warren Beatty
  • I have a day job. I can make movies when I want to.
    - Warren Beatty
  • I think I've been lucky enough not to have to do movie after movie after movie for financial reasons, so I've been able to live life and also make movies. I didn't have to grind them out. I could go long periods where I was living life rather than tripping over cables.
    - Warren Beatty
  • If I had done some of the movies that I was offered as an actor - and very good movies, by the way, and some of them big moneymakers - I don't know that I ever would have taken what was the concentration or the time to do the movies that I produced. 'Reds' is a good example, but 'Shampoo' is also an example, and so was 'Heaven Can Wait.'
    - Warren Beatty